The Mission of the AME Church is to minister to the social, spiritual, and physical development of all people. We see all of God's creation as Holy extensions of God's spirit and intend to create a world most fit for all of us to inhabit. Undergirded by the transformative power of the Holy Spirit and inspired by the Gospel of Jesus Christ, we are working together to help God's kin-dom be on earth as it is in heaven.
Macedonia AME Church exists to meet the holistic needs of our community and every member of the same through African and mutual-aid centered programming.


Micah 6:8
Wednesday 7:00 PM
Sunday 11:00 AM
We welcome you to join us in the fulfillment of our mission through your presence! You can find upcoming events, special services, and programming updated here monthly.
You can also look for opportunities to join us on the the church facebook page.

With a grateful heart, we give back to God a portion of what has been given to us.
You may give using the buttons below
Or by sending your gift to PO Box 132 Accomac, Virginia 23301
Thank you for your faithful support and remember that God loves a cheerful giver!
2 Corinthians 9:7
History of Macedonia AME Church
Macedonia, Accomac is the oldest African Methodist Episcopal congregation on the Eastern Shore of Virginia and the third oldest African-American church in Accomac and Northampton Counties. Brothers Adam Wise, Henry Wharton, John Ewell, Babel Kellam, James Johnson, Edmond Pitts, and John Gray founded the congregation on December 27, 1865.
The congregation occupied the building owned by white members of Drummondtown Methodist Church until the building was seized by the Union Army in 1861. It remained in the hands of the Army until 1870.
The white Methodists reclaimed their building in 1871, so the A.M.E. congregation had to find a new place to worship. The A.M.E. Church purchased a lot on the southern end of town and the Virginia Annual Conference directed the pastor and membership to use the first floor as a school and the second floor as the sanctuary. Rev. Robert Davis served as pastor and the original building remains today.
The Drummondtown Circuit was created in 1875 which was comprised of Macedonia Accomac, St. Luke of Daugherty, and Christian Union of Modest Town. Rev. J. W. Ruff served as pastor. Records indicate that prior to the 1890’s, Rev. Mackey and Rev. Duckett were ministers to the small group that was spreading the gospel and gathering converts.
In 1889, the congregation left the circuit and became an independent institution. Rev. John Thomas served as the pastor.
In 1899, Macedonia became a self-supporting church and remains as such today.
For more information regarding the history and continued legacy of Macedonia in Accomac, please use the contact page and we will be sure to reach out to you directly.